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re: Vent 

@MxCraven that might be true but at least i could live my fucking life

re: Vent 

guess ill never fucking find a job then and just like whats the point of this endless trying to just make a living when i can just be poor forever and do nothing

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re: Vent 

at least this time im very aware it wasnt for anything todo with being trans, its just this fucking shit part of the test

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re: Vent 

paired programming while we just sit here and not help at fucking all which is totally how that works in the real world where two other coders watch you and you fucking freak out. fuck this.

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Got rejected for the job. Paired programming test fucked me over while my scores were pretty decent. Absolute fucking joke of an interview process that is. Get rejected because I feel rushed and it fucked my normal process and made it look like I just rush into coding when I felt rushed because 45 minutes just isnt enough for a solution. And just having to talk so much and try and think everything out loud. Fuck. Seriously am I just fucking not cut out cause I'm slow and rushed to do it and just am fucking dumb when they probably told me no rush or is this a neural typical thing or should i just never fucking bother in this industry cause in clearly fucking not cut out fuck.

re: V for vendetta spoilers? 

@ghost_bird i mean i stole it from the gal who wrote the article i linked they are the smarty pants here

re: V for vendetta spoilers? 

@JordiGH its been a while since ive seen it proper but thats probs her name. either way its right at the back but like not the final pages. you just go back a few pages till you get the article and its on the second page of the article

V for vendetta spoilers? 

Now I've found the part that he says that the character before was called the doll and basically wasn't made because execs didn't want a "transsexual terrorist". The article is written in 1982 or 3 so wording is find there but he does describe the character of the doll as freakish. I'm unsure if that's to do with the transness tho considering he actually doesn't bring up the trans part until the bit about it getting rejected? Implying that wording is meant to be inferred that way? Its not clear but then we see parts of the books story that are very trans coded mostly in illusions to hormone experiments once V enters the concentration camp, the lesbian cell neighbour story could be V we don't know, the idea of V removing Envy's gender expression as part of the simulation they make her go through which leads her to act androgynous for the rest of the book, the woman researcher wanting to see V's face and calling it beautiful before she dies, and the fact that V says Envy must never actually see V's face and that could be read into not wanting to see what it became.

Most of that I got from an article that argues this but also never mentions the bit about the doll which I got from the article Alan Moore wrote in Warrior #17 that then got put at the end of the novel version of V for Vendetta called "Behind the painted smile" which I could not find online. Had yo use my big copy from reading a random blog who says they read it from the back of the book.

Here's the source of the in book references

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V for vendetta spoilers? 

Finding out that V is coded as a trans woman forced to detransition in the concentration camp is hitting me different a lil atm and making me emotional. Kinda funny who the wachoski sisters then wrote the screenplay for the movie adaptation but yeah just hitting me hard.

@penny guess its very american in that way lol. i moved to rimworld for the same gameplay in a way but much better and only as morally horrible as you want to go and its all spacey n stuff

@penny maybe they updated it but when i played it was giving them good conditions then basically using slave labour to get profit. idk i was never good at it and its defo something on how your system can turn someone who got in on a weed offense into a repeat offender for worse actually bad crimes just by having a for profit prison. yeah no idea how much the devs uhh were aware of how it actually a criticism

Interview at 11. Getting breakfast then just gunna make sure I'm ready. Its basically a redo of the one I did last week. This time i will.being going in with an actual understanding of kinda what vue.js is. I'm debating being honest that I didn't really prep for vue before but when i saw how.important of is and how steep the learning curve was I had to go away and learn it for this interview?

*closes a bunch of old browser tabs* wow it really feels good to clean my apartment

genders just taste better when the come in glass, no comparing them to plastic contained genders

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