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Idk if my instance is just bugged from a year of not touching it or if like I did something wrong to certain people ages ago. Seems like I dont see as many people as I followed back then.

Gay shit 

@deejvalen ikr? Gay trans pups? In this economy? How totally rare :p

Gay shit 

@efi being gay and stupid capitalism making me do hooman things ><

@Polychrome ah that makes sense. I hope it goes smoothly then! If your just an end user I think the tooling is sorta ok to import follows and stuff

@monorail hiii! Trying to use this more and ofc I remember the very tall glaceon of fedi

@Polychrome I remember being annoyed at instance moving being so annoying at times. Idk if I missed any reason your moving but I still hope it goes easy enough.


Oh and while I was down there I had my first threesome so that was pretty nice. Trans cuddle pile mostly

So the actual gay stuff is I spent time with my partner in South Wales again and now I kinda wanna move down there to be with her and its scary but in a good way. Either way it was really nice.

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