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Found this in my phone backups and want to release this cursed video back to the internet


I know I stole someones joke on fedi about this but I think I edited it enough to give it my own spin lol

Finally gave into trying i3 again and trying to really config it myself. looking ok atm. And yes I did get that playing mpv in the terminal its launched from work! if someone wants that I will gib.(The black space is just a virtual one that simulates the gap of my monitors)

Humble Bundles, now in disc form! When the internet dies and you really wanna play Hotline Miami, come visit your friend Roxie

working on a potential better front page for myself all professional and shit, well as professional as I can be

sfw porn meme 

I've began making sfw porn memes for fun

This is titled "Me_irl" because it is me irl duh

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The social network of the future: No ads, no corporate surveillance, ethical design, and decentralization! Own your data with Mastodon!