Help needed on looking for a full time dev role. I'm on the cusp between junior and mid software dev with 2-3 years experience in commercial roles. Open to front and back end dev but mostly done the latter. Know Python, Go, Node in both JS and TS. Dabbled in things like Vue before.

Live and able to work in the UK. Remote work preferred.

I am using Fedi because its been really decent at finding me nice people to network with. Email:

@roxie hey, I don't know you but I know someone who boosted your post. If you're still looking in about 1-3 months the co-op I work for will probably be hiring devs. There's a jobs notification mailing list you can join: (but also feel free to ping me here for an update if you don't hear anything)


@rhiaro moving from a coop to a coop would be lovely. As long as it could provide a steady amount of work instead of what I have ATM that would be great

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@rhiaro one issue is yeah im looking to try and get a role quickly due to my issues with money rn

@roxie Makes sense, I really hope you find something! And that doing so wouldn't stop you from applying to ODS in the future if you felt like it :)

@roxie Hello! In case you missed it, and are still looking for a new job, we are *finally* hiring developers at Open Data Services Co-op: - happy to answer any questions if you have them

@roxie Which co-op(s) have you worked with before? (not interviewing you, just curious!) yeah it'd be a permanent contract with full time or any amount of part time options, lots of flexi, all remote, UK company. We're mostly backend (Python) with a smattering of frontend but we'll be looking for a mix of skills on the next round. Anyway, stay tuned!

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