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rachel uwu boosted
rachel uwu boosted

us politics 

joe biden is a sleepy dog who should be pulled off stage with a stick

rachel uwu boosted
rachel uwu boosted

us politics 

my face when when pete buttigieg dropped out

rachel uwu boosted

there's a surprisingly huge disconnect between programming at work, and programming as a hobby

the former is so shit that you'll find yourself pining for the latter when you do it

rachel uwu boosted

cis ppl say who wears the pants in the relationship

trans ppl say who codes in the relationship

rachel uwu boosted

got this instance on tusky now, fedi time (but with more misspellings)

rachel uwu boosted
rachel uwu boosted
rachel uwu boosted

going home: cd
going home but in a flirty way: cd ~

rachel uwu boosted
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