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lewd screenshot 

this is legit a screenshot from a switch homebrew tutorial like dudeeeeeee gamers are horny

Everyone talking about simps these days and not respecting my man, the OG simp

Food packaging image 

Because when I think super noodles, I think Final Fantasy 7 remake

Selfie, no ec, ootd 

I am just the height of fashion. Taken in NY sisters bedroom cause she has the half body length mirror

You have been visited by the Trans Pride Dragon! All trans people who see it gain +10 draconic protection


Omggggg I have this Xbox 360 arcade disc that came with the original fat 360 arcade versions. Idk how I even got it cause I didn't have it. But its fucking prestine quality, no scratches on the disc. And the menu is the original dashboard aaaaaa

Just got matrix on in the background cause its ripping atm and its best film ever uwu

trans skateboard in TH Underground, I had this game as a kid for a bit, really wanna go back and get this boardddd

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