
Selfie, eye contact, a more serious message??? 

I wanted to highlight an issue I have and it doesn't really come across in selfies too much because on selfies, I basically have to very unnaturally smile. Like smile harder than I've ever smiled before. This is because I have the most depressed looking resting face and it makes it so hard to get to something nicer. Also I look awful today and idk why. So here is two photos taken one after the other. One unnaturally smiling insanely and one literally me looking at the camera.

Selfie, eye contact, a more serious message??? 

@roxie yupppp, same. and then for some reason my smile never looks right to me in the picture anyway?

Selfie, eye contact, a more serious message??? 

@roxie The “unnatural” smile looks pretty good to me, for what it’s worth, but I have trouble with smiling for selfies too. Part of it’s practice, I think, and part is feeling comfortable with the camera.

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